【同义词辨析】 2019-01-30 运气chance-fortune

chance: is the most general term and may imply determination by irrational, uncontrollable forces: left things to ~; or degree of probability: a ~ of one in ten.  rational理性是指会推理能理解implies power to infer so as to understand things,如a rational being一个理性的人,这里irrational非理性无法理解的,如our world often seems irrational我们的世界经常显得无法理解非理性, reasonable合理,几乎完全同义,但更强调合情理有意义公平implies practical sense, justice, fairness,如willing to grant any reasonable request愿意准许任何合理的请求)(left things to chance是固定短语,表示听天由命,如he is not someone who leaves things to chance他决不会听天由命)

accident: emphasizes lack of intention: met by happy ~.

fortune: often refers to the hypothetical cause of what happens fortuitously: favored by ~; or the outcome of problematic undertaking : the ~s of war.     (这个词除表示运气幸运女神外还表示巨额财富,如世界500强Fortune Global 500是<财富Fortune>杂志发布500家大公司。 <智慧书>最后一章说到: "A person’s capacity and greatness are to be measured by his virtue and not by his fortune."衡量一个人才能和品格的是他的美德,而不是他的财富运气, 译者将这两个意思都翻译了) hypothesis假想假说,如a hypothesis regarding the extinction of dinosaurs恐龙灭绝假说) ( fortuitous完全偶然的what happens completely by chance, 如life is not a series of fortuitous events生命不是一串完全偶然的事件)    

luck: less dignified than fortune, has connotations of gambling: her good ~ held; and can imply success or a happy outcome: I wish you ~.      

hap: usually denotes what falls or has already fallen to one's lot: a position won by ~.

hazard: is used when the influence of existing conditions or accompanying circumstances is present but not predictable: partners chosen by ~.

chance偶然概率: 泛指,由无法理解控制的力量所决定,还表示概率大小,accident偶然: 强调没有目的预料,fortune运气: 指偶然发生的事情的假想原因,表示存在问题的事情的结果(可见该词既可指原因也可指结果),luck运气: 比fortune更不庄重,有赌博的意思,或表示成功幸福,hap运气: 指从天而降落入命运的东西,hazard随机: 指存在一些影响因素,但这些影响因素不可预料

记忆方法: 1)首字母caflhh想成高高小牛high high calf<==有运气

        2)运气的意思是没有原因不可预测的事情mean something that happens without an apparent cause or as a result of unpredictable forces.